Monday, 22 August 2016

My new syllabus for IV/I batch

Dr. Bharat Rokade

Part A
Marma: Nirukti, types, description and importance.  Target –Clinical application of concepts of marma.·  Preferable targets- Study of relevance of marma in the light of current anatomical· and surgical knowledge. 

Kshara and Kshara Karma: i. Nirukti, Pradhanyata, Guna, Dosha, Karma, Prakara, Yogya, Ayogya, Procedure, Upadrava and Chikitsa. ii. Kshara nirmana vidhi, knowledge of Kshara Varti, Taila and Pichu. iii. Kshara Sutra – Preparation, Indications, Contraindications and Method of application, Complications and their Management.  Target – Capability to identify and practice the use of kshara, kshara sutra in· common clinical conditions.  Preferable targets – Broader knowledge of current trends and ongoing researches in· kshara application.

Bandha Vidhi – Prayojana, Dravya, Indications, Contraindications, Prakara, Upadrava, Pichu, Plota, Kavalika and Vikeshika.  Target- Hands on experience of techniques of bandaging.·  Preferable targets - New generation of bandaging and splintage tools.·

Diagnostic techniques – X-ray, Imaging techniques, Ultrasonography, CAT Scan, MRI, Biopsy / Cytological study.  Target- Knowledge of proper indications for optimum investigational tools and their· interpretation.  Preferable targets - Capability to work independently in the field of diagnostic· techniques.

B part
Shat Kriyakala in surgical practice.  Target- Clinical utility of the concepts.·  Preferable targets - Applied aspects of Kriyakalas in the light of current concepts of· pathogenesis.

Vranashotha - Inflammation ii. Vidhradi - Abscess iii. Pidika - Boils iv. Nadi Vrana - Sinus / Fistulae v. Vrana Granthi - Keloid / Hypertrophic scar 

 Marmagata - Shock vii. Kotha – Gangrene and Principles of Amputation. viii. Granthi - Cyst ix. Arbuda - Tumour  Target-Clinical application of the concepts.·  Preferable targets - Hands on experience of management of different conditions.·

Diseases of esophagus: Aetiopathogenesis, Classification, Clinical features, Diagnosis, Complications and Management of Congenital anomalies, Oesophagitis, Varices, Ulcer and Tumours.  Target - Clinical utility of the concepts.·  Preferable targets - Hands on experience of management of different conditions.
Diseases of Rectum and Anal Canal – Aetiopathogenesis, Classification, Clinical features, Diagnosis, Complications and Management of Congenital disorders, Arshas - Haemorrhoids, Parikartika - Fissure-in-ano, Bhagandara - Fistula-in-ano, Guda Vidradi - Anorectal abscesses, Gudabhramsa - Rectal prolapse, Sanniruddaguda - Anal stricture, Incontinence, Rectal Polyp and Tumours.  Target - Clinical utility of the concepts.·  Preferable targets - Hands on experience of management of different conditions.·

Diseases of Kidney and Ureters - Aetiopathogenesis, Classification, Clinical features, Diagnosis, Complications and Management of Congenital anomalies, Polycystic kidney, Injuries, Perinephric abscess, Calculus and Neoplasms.  Target - Clinical utility of the concepts.·  Preferable targets - Hands on experience of management of different conditions.· Diseases of Urinary bladder – Aetiopathogenesis, Classification, Clinical features, Diagnosis, Complications and Management of Congenital anomalies, Injuries, Ashmari - Vesical Calculus, Cystitis and Neoplasms.  Target - Clinical utility of the concepts.·  Preferable targets - Hands on experience of management of different conditions.· Mutraghata and Mutrakrichra - Aetiopathogenesis, Classification, Clinical features, Diagnosis, Complications and Management. Retention of urine.  Target - Clinical utility of the concepts.·  Preferable targets - Hands on experience of management of different conditions.· 

Friday, 5 August 2016

my syllabus

Ist term:  
           Paper I : Part A :Shat-kriya kala.
           Paper II :Part A:Vrana shotha & Vidradhi- Derivation, Nidana , Samprapti,types,Sthana,symptoms & complications,Ama-Pachyman-Pakwa Avastha,Sadhyasadhyatva,treatment of Vranashotha & Vidradhi.Seven Upakramas.Antar vidradhi.
          Paper I: Part A: Aushadhi vidhi.

IInd term:
          Paper II: Part B :Oesophagus-Vrana (Ulcer), Sannirodha (Obstruction), Shotha(Inflammation),Raktasrava(haemorrhage) & Arbuda(Tumors)-causes ,symptoms & treatment.
         Part A:Mansa vikara-Mansa shotha (myositis), Mansa dushti, Mansa arbuda (tumor) ,Mansa granthi ,etc. Shleepada (Filaria)-according to sites-causes,symptoms & treatment.
        Paper I:Part B:Role of Shalyashastra in medical jurisprudence. Duty of surgeon.
        Paper II: Part B: Medhra vikara (penile disorders)-causes,symptoms & treatment of vrana(ulcer),Niruddha prakasha (phymosis), Parivartika(paraphymosis) ,Avapatika (Tear of prepuce),Arbuda (carcinoma),Arsha(polyps),Upadansha(chancre), Puyameha(gonorrhoea),Phiranga(syphilis)./

IIIrd term:
       Paper II:Part B: Pittashshaya vikar(Gall bladder disorders)-shotha(inflammation), Ashmari(Gall stones),Kamala(Jaundice) & Arbuda-causes,symptoms &treatment.
      Paper II: Part A: Marmaghata-causes & treatment(Vital injury).
                                 Types of bandages.
      Paper I :Part A: Kshara vichara.
      Paper II : Part A: Manya Vikara-Manya stambha, Manya granthi,Pashana gardhabha-causes,symptoms & treatment.  

PG  (Prelim)
·       Vrana bandha
·       Ksharakarma
·       Shastra sadhya Vyadhi.

PG (Specialisation)
Paper I
·       Marmaghata
·       Kshara parichaya
·       Vruddhi vikara
·       Shleepada
·       Visarpa
Paper II
·       Gall bladder
·       Urinary bladder
·       Ureter
·       Mootra praseka sandhana (Urethroplasty)
Paper III
·       Oesophagus
Paper IV
·       Shalyatantra pracheena samhita


Ksharsutra preparation & Application

@ Department of Shalyatantra,

vidradhi bhedan karma

Agnikarma procedure

Friday, 29 July 2016

publication on mootrashmari

 “Efficacy of Apamarga Paniya Kshara in the Management of Mootrashmari”

Dr. Bharat M. Rokade (Asso. Proff.) Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Ayurved Pune
Dr. Yogesh R. Badwe  (Asso. Proff.) Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Ayurved Pune

            Since ancient times the problem of 'Mootrashmari' (Urinary calculus) is known to mankind as one among the most troublesome obstructive urological disorders. It is considered as "Mahagada" in Ayurvedic Classics. Detailed description regarding etiopathogenesis, signs and symptoms  and management of the disease can be seen in ‘Sushrut Samhita’.
                        Approximately 2% of population experiences the disease in lifetime. It is more commonly seen in males than females, with peak incidence in second and third decades of life.          The formation of stone is due to the factors like concentrated urine, deficiency of stone inhibitor substances like mucopolysaccharides, citrates etc. However hereditary and dietary factors like imbalance of electrolytes such as Calcium, Phosphates, Oxalate, Magnesium, abnormal metabolism, deficiency of vitamin A etc. have major role in formation of calculus.
            The conventional system of modern medicine offers numerous treatment modalities through both medicinal and surgical procedures for the management of urinary calculus. The modalities like extra corporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL), Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy (PCNL), URS and Laser etc. having their own merits and demerits and certain limitations. These procedures reduce the rate of open surgery in urolithiasis. All these surgical procedures are indicated in large size calculus with obstructive uropathy.
            Hence it is the need of society to find out an alternative which should be cost-effective, easily available and with minimum adverse effects with lesser chances of recurrence for the management. It is also necessary to treat the early detection of calculus and calculus of small size.
            While going through different Ayurvedic literature we come across Apamarga Paneeya kshara used in Mootrashmari. As the drug is easily available and can be given on O.P.D. basis Apamarga Paneeya kshar is one of the useful treatments fulfilling all the norms of ideal treatment in Mootrashmari. Hence we have decided to work on the burning medical issue of the society.

1)         Efficacy of Paniya Kshar to reduce the size of calculus.
2)         Efficacy of paniya kshara in expulsion of calculus as well as to reduce sign and symptoms.

            The clinical research study was designed as follows -
1.Clinical Trial :
            A clinical randomized trial was conducted in 25 patients

2. Selection of Patients :
       Patients registered in hospital either in OPD or IPD was selected for study.
Written informed consent was taken from every patient.
Proper case history was taken and special case record form was prepared.
Inclusion Criteria :
Ø  Uncomplicated Patients having renal / ureteric/ Bladder calculi upto 8mm in size will be selected randomly.
Ø  Age between 15yrs to 55 yrs.
Exclusion Criteria :
Ø  Age below 15 yrs and Above 55 yrs.
Ø  Calculus more than 8 mm in size.
Ø  Deranged Kidney Functions.
Ø  Other complications related to kidneys /ureter /bladder
Investigations :
Ultrasonography :  Abdomen and pelvis before and after treatment.
X- Ray KUB:          If Necessary
            According to selection criteria, 25 patients were selected for clinical trial.

3. Method of administration of drug :
1)                  Route of administration          -           Oral
2)                  Dose                                        -           15 ml twice / day
3)                  Anupan                                   -           Lukewarm water
4)                  Sevan Kala                              -           Apan Kala (Before both meals)
5)                  Duration                                  -           maximum given for 10 days.

Follow up study
            Thorough clinical assessment was done before subjecting patient for clinical trial detailed assessment of the patient, using various clinical parameters, on 1st, 5th, 10th & 15th day respectively.

4. Clinical Parameters for the Assessment of  results  :
Subjective Parameters                     
1. Pain in abdomen
2. Burning micturation
3. Frequency of micturation
4. Any associate symptoms.

Objective Parameters
1)      Size of calculus.
2)      Site of calculus.

Analysis of Subjective Parameters:
1) Pain in abdomen :
            0                      - No pain at all.
            1                      - Pain (mild) but not disturbing the routine life.
            2                      - Pain causing disturbance in daily routine life.
            3                      - Severe pain. (patient rolls on bed in agony)
2) Burning micturation :
            0                      - Absent.
            1                      - Burning only while micturition.
            2                      - Burning persist for longer time after micturition.
            3                      - Continuous burning sensation.
3) Frequency of micturation:
            0                      - 5-7 times per day.
            1                      - 7-10 times per day.
            2                      -10-13 times per day.
            3                      - More than 13 times per day.            

4) Associate symptoms (like hematuria,fever, nausea, vomiting, painfull micturition)
            0                      - No any associate symptomrmal.
            1                      - Present only one associate symptom.
            2                      - Present two associate symptoms.
            3                      -present more than two associate symptoms.

Analysis of objective parameters :
1. Size of Ashmari :
            0                      -No Calculus
            1                      -Tiny Renal Concreations
            2                      -Calculus Upto 4mm of Size
            3                      -Calculus 5-8 Mm of Size
2. Site of calculus
            1Ra-Right kidney upper pole,             1La-Left kidney upper pole
            1Rb-Right kidney middle pole,          1Lb-Left kidney middle pole
            1Rc-Right kidney lower pole,             1Lc-Left kidney lower pole
            2Ra-Right upper ureter,                      2La-Left upper ureter
            2Rb-Ri            ght middle ureter,                   2Lb-Left middle ureter
            2Rc-Right lower ureter,                      2Lc-Left lower ureter
            3-Bladder calculi



Since p-value is less than 0.05 indicate there is significant reduction in abdominal pain after treatment

Burning micturation



Since p-value is less than 0.05 we reject Ho i.e there is significant reduction in burning micturation after treatment

Frequency of micturation :



Since p value is less than 0.05 but there is slightly difference in frequency of micturation before and after treatment with satisfactory voiding and increased urine output

Expulsion of calculus according to site

Site of calculus
Before treatment
After treatment
Upper ureter
Mid ureter
Lower ureter

Total percentage of calculus expulsion is 66.66 % and that too more in ureteric calculi than renal calculus.
Distribution of patients according to size of calculus

Size of Ashmari

At the end of treatment there was significant reduction in size of calculus and 6 patients were free of calculus.

            Probable mode of action:
v  On analysis of the subjective and objective parameters, Apamarga paniya kshara is found effective to minimize the symptoms of Mootrashmari. Here an attempt is made to produce a probable hypothesis regarding the action of Apamarga paniya kshara.
v  Kapha and Vata always play a major role in urolithiasis. As Apamarga paniya ksharaa is Kaphavataghna in its Doshaghnata, it is helpful for Shaman of associated Doshas taking part in etiopathogenesis of Mootrashmari.
v  Ruksha, Laghu, Tikshna, Shighragami properties of Apamarga paniya kshara reduces the chances of nidus formation as well as reduces the growth of stone by inhibiting the binding property of Kaphadosha.
v  Apamarga paniya ksharaa have mootrala effect there-by increasing intra-luminal pressure. Because of this pressure, calculus is expelled quickly as a whole from urinary system. As earlier stated, hyper-concentration of the urine results into formation of urolithiasis. Apamarga paniya kshara's Diuretic activities either promote or increase the amount of urine excretion and helps in preventing the hyper-concentration of urine as well as further complications.
v  Chemically Apamarga paniya ksharaa is potassium carbonate which increases the concentration of potassium in intra cellular fluid there by enhances osmotic activity which tends to force water and electrolyte into extra cellular fluid and the colloidal osmotic pressure of the plasma proteins which draw water back in the vessels. It helps in its diuretic activity without depleting serum potassium level which is a common demerit of other diuretic drugs.
v  Apamarga paniya ksharaa removes obstruction from urinary tract by flushing the urine by its Sarak property.They increase peristaltic movements of smooth muscles in urinary system and in turn help in expulsion of urinary calculus.
v  Active ingredient of Apamarga seeds is saponine acts as a diuretic so it increases intrluminal pressure & flow of urine in ureter and helps to wash out calculus.
v  As Acyranthine one of the principal constituent of Apamarga paniya kshara is anti-inflammatory in nature it reduces pain in abdomen associated with calculus
v  The pH of Paneeya Apamarga paniya kshara is 10.63. This alkaline nature of the drug reduces acidic condition of the urine, which is one of the main causes of calculus formation. The normalization of pH of urinary passage helps to dislodge the lithus.
v  Apamarga paniya kshara reduces burning micturition, pain in abdomen associated with calculus by maintaining urine pH and anti-inflammatory action.
v  Thus action of Paneeya Apamarga paniya ksharaa may ultimately result
in painless expulsion of mootrashmari by relaxation of smooth muscles.
v  Ashmari is a disease of mootravaha strotas which is under influence of Apana-vayu. So Paneeya Apamarga paniya kshara is given in apana-kala i.e. before meal to enhance the action of drug.

Ø  Apamarga paniya kshara also possesses Mootral property i.e. diuretic action which is helpful for expulsion of calculi.
Ø  During the study, there were no adverse effects or complications and the treatment was well tolerated by all the patients.

                        From the study, it can be concluded that administration of Apamarga paniya kshara can be effective treatment method for mootrashmari which may overcome the surgical intervention by easy, comparatively cheap and painless expulsion of ashmari.